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Updating Classrooms


The Classrooms section within the Director Portal an important section to complete in preparation for grants, including the Smart Start Transition Grants (SSTG). If you applied for Strengthen and Grow Child Care (SGCC) grants, your classrooms are still in the system.  You can add new classrooms or edit existing classrooms.

Adding Classrooms

1. Once you have logged in and entered the Director Portal, click the "Classrooms" card.


If you have Director Portal access for multiple organizations, be sure to change to the correct organization before you go to the Classrooms card.

2. Click the red "+" button to add a new classroom.


3. Complete the classroom information and enrollment sections.  The Highest Ratio and Lowest Ratio fields are not required.  Click the "Submit" button when you are done.  (See the example in the image below.)



Editing Classrooms

1. To edit a classroom, click on the pencil icon next to the classroom you want to edit.


2. Make the changes you would like, update the "As Of Date" at the bottom of the screen to be today's date, and click the "Submit" button when you are done.

Making a Classroom Inactive/Active

You may have a classroom already entered into the system, but it may currently be closed due to staffing or enrollment.  You can keep the classroom in the system, but just change the status to "Inactive" so that it is not counted in your grant application.  Follow the steps above to edit the classroom, change the status field to "Inactive", and update the "As Of Date" at the bottom of the screen.

If the classroom opens again, follow the same process to edit it and change the status to "Active", updating enrollments and the "As Of Date" as needed.


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